We know that something has to be done about the way we are collectively living on planet Earth. There is an urgency about the changes we need which makes it is easy to feel impotent in the face of the mounting environmental disasters, resource depletion, injustices and climate chaos.


We are far more powerful than we have been led to believe, especially when we act together.

Radical Self Care is for anyone who wants to play their part in healing the mess we are in on planet Earth. It is based on the premise that if we live simpler, calmer more deeply connected lives where we take better care of ourselves, we will automatically start to take better care of our planet.

Radical Self Care will help you to:

  • Calm down.

  • To simplify your life.

  • To create deeper connections with yourself and others.

  • Find your unique purpose so you can share it with the world.

  • Live and work in a self sustaining way.

  • Cultivate a life filled with love and joy.

Radical Self Care is rooted in a wider definition of self.

Instead of seeing our ourselves as individuals contained within the bodies we inhabit, we extend that sense of self out in ever widening circles.

We come to understand that we live nested within spheres of influence and interconnectedness. We belong not only to ourselves but within our families, groups of friends, our communities, culture, nation and ultimately the planet.

Radical Self Care understands that what we do to one affects the others. Therefore when we engage in RSC we do so in the knowledge that:

  • How we care for our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social and environmental well being affects not only us but all the circles in which we belong; our larger self.
  • What we put out there be it poisonous chemicals, self-loathing, anger or love will affect the world in which we live, which in turn affects us, we are interconnected.

This is why Radical Self Care believes the place to start is with ourselves.

Modern life is unhealthy, our water, air and food is full of toxins. When we add in fears about the state of the world, unresolved traumas and other stresses our biological and psychological capacity is stretched to its limit. Eventually it creates dis-ease in the form of physical or emotional issues. Our symptoms are sign posts showing us somethings out of balance. Just like the planet our systems begin to fail.

This is our wake-up call.

We therefore practice Radical Self Care not only to save ourselves. The interconnectedness of all things means that by healing ourselves we will bring healing to the whole world.

As we recover we come to understand the important part we have to play in the healing our world and we find we have the time, energy and enthusiasm to get on with it.

Radical self care

“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.”

Jana Stanfield