Dealing with your diagnosis can have a significant impact on your ability to heal.

  • How and where did you receive diagnosis?
  • Did someone explain it and all the treatments and procedures?
  • Did they tell you the prognosis, or possible outcomes?

How did that feel?

Did they then offer you help with those feelings?

Is so then I suspect you are one of the lucky ones because my own experience and that of my family and friends would suggest this is not routine at all.

I think it needs to be.

When a diagnosed of ME/CFS was confirmed I was also told me there was nothing they could do for me. No treatments were on offer and there was no where to refer me. Essentially I was packed off to deal with it on my own.

I left in a panic, feeling terrified, alone, unsupported, confused and afraid about what the future might hold.

I don’t think that’s ok.

This sort of unsupportive way of dealing with diagnosis creates high levels of stress which interferes with the very thing we really need, which is to be in a calm healing state.

By the time I understood all this I was fortunate enough to have EFT and a therapist in my life. She helped me to work through the shock of having my illness confirmed and being told there was nothing they could do.

I wept as I released the emotional impact of that morning.

Further sessions helped me to challenge my beliefs about the illness. I wanted to heal not surrender to the generally accepted ideas about where I would end up and for how long; read potentially decades of illness, neither did I want a pill for all my ills.

As I dived below my conscious thoughts and feelings I found a lot of fears about my chances of recovering. Over the years I had picked up many limiting beliefs about ME/CFS. My unconscious mind was running tapes which did not support my conscious ideas about recovery.

Through writing and using EFT I was able to free myself of the emotions and feelings attached to my beliefs and to change the way I looked at my diagnosis. I came to see it was information from my body, mind and spirit.

In my ideal world we would all be offered this sort of help and support.

We all deserve emotional support to deal with the stress, shock and trauma of a diagnosis. To come to terms with it, we need a safe space and time to work through what we have been told.

In addition, we need to challenge the generally accepted beliefs we hold about our illness and disease. Nowadays there are examples of people who have healed from many “incurable” conditions. What if we were told these stories and offered hope?

Freed from the confines of our diagnosis

We can choose what to take on and what not to. The choice of using conventional treatments or alternatives or a combination, it ours. The timing of when we will engage with treatments or not, is ours. We can be freed from the confines of our diagnosis and instead see it for what it is.

Messages from our bodies

META Health and META Consciousness have helped me understand that our bodies are speaking to us, they are trying to tell us something. Sometimes, if we haven’t been paying attention they will speak loudly and acutely. At other times there will be an on-going chronic grumbling. All of it is critical information as regards the direction our lives could take.

So, if you are struggling to come to terms with a diagnosis or you know you are still in a state of shock or trauma about how and what you were told, try some EFT, I have a guide here, or get in touch and we can work through it together.

Whatever the outcome to be free of fear is a gift we all deserve.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”
Helen Keller

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Categories: Change, Self Care

About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.


  1. Julie-Anne Mullan 13 March 2017 at 11:32 am - Reply

    I knew three women, now, four who have overcome the Life Challenges CFS/ME present. What they have in common is a strong spirit, active and competitive nature, and a willingness to learn, grow and experiment to reap the advantages of self-help. EFT is amazing for its usefulness in addressing physical, mental, emotional and the big spirit questions daily, for as long as balance takes to return home. Thank you, Penny.

    • Mairi 14 March 2017 at 8:49 am - Reply

      Thanks Julie-Anne, I love the way you describe women who overcome CFS/ME. Reaping the advantages of self-help is critical I feel, connects to taking responsibility for our own health which I believe is critical for anyone facing ill health. X

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