Powerful message

showed the film Aluna in my community because I believe it carries a powerful message for all of us. We have become so detached and disconnected from the earth we are now complicit in its destruction.

We take part in activities which contribute to the potential demise of our own species, as well as many others. It is a madness born out of our disconnection from who we are, a creatures of the earth.

Avoid the truth

In many cases we have out-sourced the true impact of our activities. Out of sight and therefore out of mind we are able to avoid the truth. We rarely discuss this lest we spoil our illusion by mentioning

By turning a blind eye, blaming others and expecting someone else to do something about it we try to alleviate ourselves of the burden.  Deep down though, most of us know now, we can’t escape the impact of our poisoning, polluting choices.

Cycle of devastation

We know that much of what we do needs to change, that we must let go of our mad industrial growth societies where rampant consumerism feeds a constant sense of dissatisfaction. It’s a never ending cycle of devastation and destruction not only to our planet home but to the very soul of each human being caught up in the whirlwind.

Chasing after “stuff” will never satisfy the hole inside, the loss of connection and belonging to this wonderful place we call earth.

It’s so painful

Intellectually we may understand this, but most of us avoid touching the emotional place inside that feels that fragmentation. It’s so painful we will do almost anything not to go there and so the consumption cycle turns, offering a temporary fix for what ails us.

We stuff ourselves with food like substances full of toxins which make us sick.  Hawking ourselves to the eye balls we chase the latest must have items. Parading our lives on social media we try to bolster our self esteem in a sad show-off society underpinned by increasing mental and physical health. If any of it worked we would be healthy, we would be happy but increasingly we are not.

The Kogi

In the film Aluna the Kogi tribe show how they never left that place of connection. They are still intimately part of everything. We have much to learn from them.

I believe they and others like them are our guides, they can lead us back to reverence for this incredible place we live. They can help us see the damage we are doing.  Through them a chink can open in us through which new understanding can enter and the reconnection begin.

Honour this pain

Yes, it can be painful to open this wound. It hurts to look at what we have done but we must if we are to change. We cannot heal what we cannot see and feel. When we shine a light on our wounds places we no-longer have to try and numb out. When we join together to honour this pain, to feel it and release it we regain energy for the task in hand.

In my previous article, Do you apologise for the tears you shed? Don’t. I wrote about how important these feelings are, they call us to action and so to do the Kogi and many other indigenous people’s around the world. So let’s rise to this calling.

For those unable to attend the local screening check out the film’s website Aluna the Movie, it will direct you to where you can download it. Share it with your friends, family and community. The time for change is now.








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About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.

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