Following on from last night’s screening of That Sugar Film, as requested, I’m sharing the recipes for the two snacks I brought.

Blueberry Bites


These are based on a recipe in That Sugar Book called Blueberry Cocoa Clusters. Once you understand the basic recipe you can play around with the ingredients to suite your taste. This was the version I served last night.

3 tbs coconut oil

3 tbs raw cocoa powder

115 g almonds 

55g buckwheaties ( learn how to make these here.)

150 g blueberries

Melt coconut oil with the cocoa powder and stir till smooth.

Allow to cool slightly, then add all other ingredients.

Spoon clusters of mixture onto baking tray lined with baking paper.

Place in freezer or fridge to harden.

Possible substitutions:

You could try different nuts, seeds, shredded coconut, coconut chips, sugar free puffed cereal or popcorn. That Sugar Book suggests trying small mandarin slices. Their website also has another version of this recipe Fruit & Nut Choc Slab which includes banana, I like the sound of that.

By the way this whole recipe only has 3.75 tsp of sugar, provided by the blueberries, not bad hu?


Raspberry Ripple


This recipe comes from the I Quit Sugar website. Again you can play with the ingredients once you understand how it all goes together. Interestingly the salt in the butter is very noticeable with no sugar to cover it up. This may not be to everyone’s taste so you could try unsalted butter. Here is the version I made:

1/3 cup frozen raspberries.
1/3 cup shredded coconut
1/3 cup coconut oil.
80 g salted butter.
2 tablespoons raw cacao powder.
1 teaspoon rice malt syrup.

Line a traybake tray with baking paper.

Sprinkle the raspberries and other dry ingredients over the baking tray. I broke the raspberries up a little.

Gently melt the coconut oil and stir in the cocoa powder and syrup if using, making sure it has combined well.

Carefully pour this mixture over the baking tray mix and then put it in the freezer to harden. You can then store it in the fridge or keep it in the freezer.

Break into pieces to serve.

Again you could play with ingredients as in the recipe above.

The raspberries in this recipe add about 1.5 tsp of sugar, plus you will have 1 tsp of rice syrup if you use it.


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Categories: Diet & Nutrition

About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.


  1. […] you would prefer almost sugar free snacks check out my Low Sugar Snacks […]

  2. […] Low Sugar Treats […]

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