Walking Loch Creran – Walk 4

Walking Loch Creran is a journey I didn’t know I was taking. Witnessing and documenting part of the devastation caused by human life on earth wasn’t in the original plan.

I can’t change it now. It feels like an imperative, I need to know and I want you to know.

Is there any section of this beautiful shoreline without plastic pollution?

Each week I set off thinking that I will have nothing to tell you. I convince myself that my outrage will be swathed by a clean shore. It’s what I want to find. I don’t want this unfolding truth to be the new normal of shoreline life.

So far my finds are shocking. Every walk turns up huge amounts of plastic strewn through the seaweed lines along the shore. This week was no different.

A gallery of destruction

There was so much more. On and on it went in every bay the blue rope, white bags, red bottle tops connecting me to a truth I cannot bear. We, collectively, have done this. I personally may not have thrown that bottle in the sea or cut the rope and tossed it over the side, but I did and do contribute to something similar somewhere out there.

What to do?

Bear witness. Don’t turn away from the pain on this planet. Decide. Decide what you are willing to support and what you are not. There is power in your purse, use it wisely.

This week two videos.

“Individuals bearing witness cannot do the work of social movements, but they can break a corrosive and demoralising silence.”

Ellen Willis

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About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care writer, maker and creator.

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