I believe that few of us are in any doubt now that things HAVE to change, and that those who argue against that are few and far between.

Mass suicide

Our current trajectory as a human race is going in one direction. Not only have we triggered the sixth mass extinction on earth the craziest thing of all is that annihilation includes ourselves!

This is the madness an industrial growth model of economics has lead us into. It is simply impossible to have continued growth in a finite system. Anyone who tries to argue for continued growth can now be deemed insane and must be treated as such.

Be Heartened

While the crazy and senseless continue to run our countries and lead us towards disaster I want you to be heartened.  Economic growth is a dying model. However, quietly but steadfastly there is another way creeping it’s way into existence.

You won’t read about it in mainstream media. No politician is going to rave about it, no flags are waved or banners strung. Those spearheading this movement, this revolution of our times, are too busy getting on with it.

Be Their Voice

So that’s why I am writing this blog, because some of us need to take up the mantle of being a voice for all those toiling away building a new future. We can trumpet on their behalf, cry out and tell you about the hard work they are doing in creating a life sustaining way of life on earth for all. That is you and me folks. They do it for us and all the other creatures, structures and systems which make up the intricate web of life on this planet.

A wee croft

I recently visited such a place; Sailean, the wee croft of Lismore Grassfed Beef and Lamb.  I had the very great honour of spending the day here with people engaged in their valuable work as a cog in the wheel of change.

We all know about the degradation of our soils right? If you don’t go and watch a film called Dirt that will get you up to speed.

Well at Sailean they are going in the opposite direction,  they are building soil. Yipeedy doo dah!

Grass fed

Not only that, they are raising grass fed animals (note, this is what they are supposed to be eating, as opposed to the cereals and God only knows what else many animals are fed on).

In addition to their cows, sheep and hens they also grow no-dig vegetables (if you don’t know about that check out this link to Charles Dowding who can tell you all about it). They use solar power to run their electric fencing, pump water using gravity and they are reclaiming land from bog, rushes, and braken without using chemicals. Oh yea!


They follow a model called Holistic Management as taught by 3LM here in the UK. This work was developed by Allan Savory, a pioneer in the regenerative farming movement and founder of the Savory Institute.

There is only one way to describe their pastures.

!!!!!!! LUSH !!!!!!!!

Lucky coos and sheep eh?

Watch the videos

There is so much more I could say about this inspirational place, but I’d prefer you to watch their two videos

Sailean Project Winter.

Sailean Project Spring

Watch the film

Then I’d like those of you who can, to come along to the film screening of Polyfaces planned for 2nd November 2017.

“Polyfaces is an exciting documentary that features one of the world’s best farms in action.

It reveals how the Salatin family and their team are healing the land, regenerating the local economy, inspiring people all around the world, and feeding over 6,000 families ethically produced, nutrient dense foods.

If you Eat, Buy, or Grow food then this is a film you must see!” Vimeo

Joel Salatin the driving force behind Polyfaces was one of the people who first inspired Gilly and Roger of Sailean. He amongst others literally woke them up to the way they had been farming and launched them off in this whole new direction.

They have agreed to come and join in the post film discussion and to tell us about their Awakening to become regenerative farmers on a little croft in Scotland.

Dan and Fieke the other couple involved with Sailean will be joining us at a later date to talk about their journey and the farm from their perspective.

You can find out more about the screening of Polyfaces at Awakening in Benderloch here or on facebook here.

Thursday 2nd November

7pm sharp

Victory Hall, Benderloch.

Do good

We don’t all need to be regenerative farmers, though some of you may wish to be. However we can all help create the changes our world so badly needs.

The trick is to be able to listen to what calls you and do that, and if you cannot hear above the din of your busy, all consuming life, then find a way to slow right down and simplify things so you can.

The world needs all the good you can do.

For those of you who can barely come up for air, who run from dawn till dusk and still never seem to get anything done, who care deeply about what is happening on our planet, but have no space, time or energy to do anything, I hear you.

Why not book a free 1/2hr Change Is Always Possible consultation with me and we can explore what is going on. Our modern life seems to beget a constant state of busyness, of never having enough time,  where the we feel stuck on the treadmill of life, but there is a way out and off, you just haven’t found it yet. Let me help you.

To book contact Mairi here.


I believe that few of us are in any doubt now that things HAVE to change, and that those who argue against that are few and far between.

Mass suicide

Our current trajectory as a human race is going in one direction. Not only do we appear to have triggered the sixth mass extinction on earth the craziest thing of all is that, that annihilation, includes ourselves!

This is the madness an industrial growth model of economics is leading us into. It is simply impossible to have continued growth in a finite system. Anyone who tries to argue for continued growth can now be deemed insane and must be treated as such.

Be Heartened

While the crazy and senseless continue to run our countries and lead us towards disaster I want you to be heartened.  Economic growth is a dying model. Quietly but steadfastly there is another way creeping it’s way into existence.

You won’t read about it in mainstream media. No politician is going to rave about it, no flags are waved or banners strung. Those spearheading this movement, this revolution of our times, are too busy getting on with it.

Be Their Voice

So that’s why I am writing this blog, because some of us need to take up the mantle of being a voice for all those toiling away building a new future. We can trumpet on their behalf, cry out and tell you about the hard work they are doing in creating a life sustaining way of life on earth for all. That is you and me folks. They do it for us and all the other creatures, structures and systems which make up the intricate web of life on this planet.

A wee croft

I recently visited such a place; Sailean, the wee croft of Lismore Grassfed Beef and Lamb.  I had the very great honour of spending the day here with people engaged in their invaluable work as a cog in the wheel of change.

We all know about the degradation of our soils right? If you don’t go and watch a film called Dirt that will get you up to speed.

Well at Sailean they are going in the opposite direction,  they are building soil. Yipeedy doo dah!

Grass fed

Not only that, they are raising grass fed animals ( note, this is what they are supposed to be eating, as opposed to the cereals and God only knows what else many animals are fed on).

In addition to their cows, sheep and hens they also grow no-dig vegetables ( and if you don’t know about that check out this link to Charles Dowding who can tell you all about it). They use solar power to run their electric fencing, pump water using gravity and they are reclaiming land from bog, rushes, and braken without using chemicals. Oh yea!

They follow a model called Holistic Management as taught by 3LM here in the UK.

There is only one way to describe their pastures.

!!!!!!! LUSH !!!!!!!!

Lucky coos and sheep eh?

Watch the videos

There is so much more I could say about this inspirational place, but I’d prefer you to watch their two videos

Sailean Project Winter.

Sailean Project Spring

Watch the film

Then I’d like those of you who can, to come along to the film screening of Polyfaces planned for 2nd November 2017.

“Polyfaces is an exciting documentary that features one of the world’s best farms in action.

It reveals how the Salatin family and their team are healing the land, regenerating the local economy, inspiring people all around the world, and feeding over 6,000 families ethically produced, nutrient dense foods.

If you Eat, Buy, or Grow food then this is a film you must see!” Vimeo

Joel Salatin the driving force behind Polyfaces was one of the people who first inspired Gilly and Roger of Sailean. He amongst others literally woke them up to the way they had been farming and living and launched them off in this whole new direction.

They have agreed to come and join in the post film discussion and to tell us about their Awakening to become regenerative farmers on a little croft in Scotland.

Dan and Fieke the other couple involved with Sailean will be joining us at a later date to talk about their journey and the farm from their perspective.

You can find out more about the screening of Polyfaces at Awakening in Benderloch here or on facebook here.

Thursday 2nd November

7pm sharp

Victory Hall, Benderloch.

Do good

We don’t all need to be regenerative farmers, thought some of you may wish to be. However we can all help create the changes our world so badly needs.

The trick is to be able to listen to what calls you and do that, and if you cannot hear above the din of your busy, all consuming life, then find a way to slow right down, to simplify things so you can.

The world needs all the good you can do.

For those of you who can barely come up for air, who run from dawn till dusk and still never seem to get anything done, who care deeply about what is happening on our planet, but have no space, time or energy to do anything, I hear you.

Why not book a free 1/2hr Change Is Always Possible consultation with me and we can explore what is going on. Our modern life seems to beget a constant state of busyness, of never having enough time where the we feel stuck on the treadmill of life, but there is a way out and off, you just haven’t found it yet.

To book contact Mairi here.


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Categories: Change, Earth Care

About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.

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