Would you mandate or force penicillin on anyone who gets an infection?

If not why not?

I would want them to make an informed choice rather than unwittingly risk potential problems. But not everyone feels the same way as me. Some prefer to keep us in the dark lest we start asking awkward questions.

Patient Information

When my father was a small child he was given penicillin. He nearly died. I remember my Grandmother telling me how frightening it was. She said he turned blue.

Other members of my family have ended up with the same allergy.

No drug is safe for everyone. The patient information leaflets alone are evidence of this. They list all the potential side effects for a reason, people experience them.  ALL drugs have the potential to create adverse reactions.

Informed Choice

Informed choice means you know about these reactions and side effects so that you can decide what risk you are willing to take.

I know vaccines are a controversial subject and some people will stop reading this now, just at the mention of them.  For those of you who don’t, who have enquiring minds I invite you to watch this video or listen to the podcast here.

It’s an eye opener

Currently social media platforms, Youtube and Google searches are supressing or censoring much of the information contained in this video.

If you want to make informed choices about vaccines please watch this video. It explains many of the issues with vaccine safety and what we need to know about the current race to produce one for Covid-19.

Youtube may take this video down so here are alternative links you can use. I have also added the websites for London Real and The Highwire where you can find a wealth of other fascinating interviews and information

Video (you will have to sign up to the London Real website to watch it)


London Real

The Highwire

“Access to information and freedom of access to it may seem like a fundamental right but there are many people who think, rightly or wrongly, it is for your own good that it is hidden.”

Alberto Gonzales





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Categories: Coronavirus time

About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.

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