I hope not as it’s possibly one of the most important simple things you could do to improve the health of your mind and body.

To make it easier I am sharing this very simple breakfast idea with you. It does require a little advance prep but hey, if you can’t find a few minutes once a week I think eating breakfast may be the least of your problems.

A revolutionary act

Once prepared this will be as quick and easy as your normal packet cereal or making a bowl of porridge. It’s infinitely more healthy. Not only is it packed full of nutrition it can be eaten hot, cold or on the go. Not that I’d advise that except in emergencies as slow mindful eating is always preferable (she reminds herself).

In addition to providing a great healthy breakfast for yourself you can also bask in the glory of having taken a stand against the march of big food and the cereal tidal wave in particular.

Making your own simple healthy breakfast is a revolutionary act.

So here it is:

Six Seed Cereal

The six seeds are linseeds, chia, sunflower, pumpkin, hemp and sesame. In reality you don’t have to use all six but if you can include chia or linseeds that will allow the mixture to thicken. The more mixture you make up the longer till you have to do it again. I suggest making enough for week at a time.

  • Grind equal amounts of seeds of your choice in a blender or food processor, approximately 1 tbs of each seed for each day.
  • Add chopped nuts again of your choice. 1 – 2 tbs nuts per day.
  • Add any spices like cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger to taste.
  • Store in a jar in the fridge.
  • To prepare, mix 4-6 heaped tbs with your preferred milk.
  • If using linseeds and chia seeds the mixture will thicken so stir as you add the milk.

You can add any of the following:

  • Chopped dried fruit
  • Chopped fresh fruit
  • Fresh berries
  • Yogurt
  • A glug of your favourite oil, though that may be a step too far for some.

You can also:

  • Heat it up with milk of your choice and cook it like porridge, especially good on chilly mornings. If you want it to thicken you need to use ground linseeds and or chia seeds.
  • Make it up in a jar the night before and take it as breakfast to go.

Take a stand

Feeding yourself properly is not a luxury, it’s a necessity, an act of radical self care in a world where our food choices, though apparently vast are actually severely limited. If you check you will see that most of what is on offer, actually revolves around only three ingredients wheat, dairy and sugar. Interestingly the very foods more and more of us are having problems with!

Take a stand not only for yourself but for a healthier happier future for all by ditching the commercial cereals and making your own simple healthy breakfasts.

Simple Healthy Breakfast Guide

For more breakfast ideas check out this link to my Simple Healthy Breakfast Guide, it’s free!

The cereal in this photo contained linseeds, hemp, sunflower, chia, and pumpkin seeds, chopped hazelnuts and cashews and was topped off with chopped dried apricots and almond milk.




You can also check out my Facebook page photos section for lots more breakfast ideas.

If you struggle to make these changes on your own why not book a free 1/2hr Change Is Always Possible consultation with me. My work is all about helping you get to the heart of the matter, the root cause of what is holding you back.

You can book your consultation here.


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Categories: Recipes, Self Care

About the Author: Mairi

Radical Self Care Coach, supporting you to create a calmer, simpler, more deeply connected life where you take better care of yourself and our planet.


  1. Susanne 30 April 2018 at 3:35 am - Reply

    Hi Mairi,
    I just came across your site as I was searching for an EFT Tapping Points diagram online. (I am a therapist and currently work in a psychiatric hospital where I meet lots of people who suffer with emotional pain). EFT has helped me over the past 15 years (along with many wonderful spiritual teachers and a very special therapist) to heal and change my life and I love to share it with others.
    I adore your website…I watched your introductory video…so authentic and your accent is lovely 😉 I feel we could be the best of friends. The breakfast seeds and nuts is a wonderful idea and I can’t wait to use it.
    Anyway, just thought I’d let you know….I appreciate you and your work!
    Susanne from Texas

    • Mairi 2 May 2018 at 12:21 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much Susanne, it is lovely to know my work resonates out there in the world. EFT has been such a transformational tool for me too. How fantastic that you are taking it to those in hospital. I’d love to hear more about how that works. Stay in touch, and do let me know how your breakfast goes 🙂

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