EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT Research
Although EFT is a relatively new modality there seems to be no end of anecdotal evidence of how it has helped many people. Some of this is useful but it can also be misleading as the tendency is to share the “one minute wonders”, the times when extraordinary results were achieved in a very short period of time.
Fortunately clinical studies and research began about 10 years ago. So far the research is proving positive and is suggesting that EFT can provide relief from many conditions. Here are some links where you can find out more:
EFTi – EFT International holds a scientific symposium each year and maintains a data base of research which you can look up by topic.
Staffordshire University: Research results from Staffordshire University have been presented at three NHS conferences and Dr Ian Walton, GP and mental health lead for Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, said:
“The successful use of EFT demonstrated in this study has not only influenced counsellors and therapists in Sandwell to be trained to use this method of treatment, but also local mental health charities are seeing the value in being trained to use EFT in the work that they do.”