When you use EFT to release any negativity and conflict in your energy system, you will naturally be vibrating in a more positive, uplifting space.

Carol Look

When I first learned EFT I was blown away by how much it helped me. I want to share that with you.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping as it is also known is an easy to learn effective tool for helping with emotional distress. When I first learned it with my therapist she told me the greatest benefit I would get was not in the hour I spent with her but in the time I spent in-between helping myself.

She was right. As I diligently tapped away things started to change, I changed. Now I want to share this amazing tool with you and offer you the chance to really understand how to use it to help yourself too.


Learn Effective EFT for Self Help


I will be showing you how to use if effectively in your own life, on your specific issues.  Over the month you will have the opportunity to learn, and practice, to deepen your understanding of the technique, to ask questions, try new ideas and to ultimately be competent and confident at using EFT to help yourself feel better.

It is open to anyone who is ready to change, who is fed up feeling the same way day in day out without end.

If you are ready for change this is the course for you.


We can’t all afford our own therapists, or wait for the referral through the NHS system, so why not come and learn to help yourself.


Wed evening 7-9pm

June 8th, 15th, 22st and 29th.

Wellbeing Hub, Oban, Argyll.

To find out more or book a place contact Mairi here.

EFT is a powerful way to deal with unresolved issues, transform beliefs and reprogram yourself for greater happiness and success.

Peta Stapleton


EFT Course